A very different type of Tie, powered by Arduino* 101.
Named Activi Tie and inspired by the Adafruit* Ampli Tie, Emutex paired with FabLab Limerick to make a number of ties to exhibit the potential of the Arduino 101. The Activi Tie could operate in different modes: It could count steps, detect motion, detect noise and display status on a colourful LED strip. By tapping the tie the wearer could switch between modes. The tie’s settings could also be configured using an intuitive smartphone app via Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE).
Arduino 101 is the first widely available development board based on the tiny, low-power Intel® Curie™ module. Easy to use and affordable, Arduino 101 is ideal for education environments, makers and embedded developers.
Under the Hood
A close up of the electronics of the tie.
For more details on how we implemented Ampli Tie please contact our maker team.
Note: Arduino* 101 is known as Genuino* 101 outside the USA. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.