
Many networking equipment manufacturers and vendors struggle to facilitate high IP network traffic throughput rates in networking equipment when cryptography, data compression and/or pattern matching functionality is exercised in data streams. Most networking devices implement these functions in software only, using standard libraries provided with the operating system. At Emutex, we can help them to achieve higher traffic processing rates in their networking devices, particularly Linux based devices.


Mark Burkley - CTO, Principal Embedded Software Engineer


Lib1Net – Providing Acceleration and Flexibility for VNFs at the Network Edge.


Emutex developed a high-speed packet generation and testing application based on DPDK and Docker Containers.


Emutex realized a customised high-speed network packet generator to be used for testing network switches and routers.


Design and integrate a TCP Offload Engine for use in high-speed video transmission devices.


Emutex Fibers Library and how it can improve your packet processing applications.


A plug and play device designed to prioritise voice traffic ahead of general data traffic.

Questions? Contact us.


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